Last month, we supported Hato Hone St John with their Annual Appeal– Light the Way, which was aimed at raising funds to repair or rebuild 14 ambulance stations!

Ambulance stations are often hidden in communities – yet they provide a crucial role for frontline teams and the communities they serve. They are a place to return to after a challenging call-out, a place to reset and recharge, and importantly to connect with each other, so that volunteers are ready to respond, 24/7. Some stations are also a vital community hub for volunteers, from first responders through to youth and health shuttle drivers.

Aside from our Community Programme – Match Me, the team wanted to support the Annual Appeal month with fundraising days throughout June. We decided to theme our fundraising efforts around Cooking for a Cause. We had BBQ lunches cooked by our very own Dave, Kurt and Alistair as well as hosted the Annual Great ORIX Bake Off and all proceeds were provided to the Light the Way Appeal.  

Check out our Match Me Community Programme to see how you can support Hato Hone St John here.